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Championship Show Archive




The Swedish Vallhund Society Ch Show

Saturday 3rd September 2022.












Brace Winner – Drinkwater’s – DANGA’S NORTON JUNKERSON (IMP.Swe.)




I would like to thank the committee of the society for asking me to “step in” at the last moment to Judge this wonderful breed.

The Swedish Vallhund is very dear to my heart, such a lively all- purpose dog to own, or should I say to be owned by a Vallhund!

The venue was ideal, easy to get to, good size ring and an indoor ring if needed. The weather was just right not too hot and dry. The only problem, but a small one, was the grass could have been shorter in places.

The committee had worked hard to make the day a successful one and everyone present seemed to be enjoying their day.

The only criticism I have is that there wasn’t a consistent type, the dogs varied in many ways which is a bit of a worry. Some lacked in bone, length of neck, ear carriage, height and body short in ratio, not 2 – 3 as the breed standard states. I know that it is getting harder to find a male that will contribute to the bitch, we all know our bitches’ faults so we must try to rectify this the best we can. Not an easy task as the choice of looking to find the right dog, when in the show ring numbers shown are so small. There are good substantial dogs and bitches being born but unfortunately if they are not being shown you just don’t know of them. At least all the dogs present today had good temperaments in and outside the ring.

 1: Veteran Dog – No Entries

 2: Minor Puppy Dog – No Entries

 3: Puppy Dog – No Entries

 4: Junior Dog – 1

Drinkwater’s DANGA’S NORTON JUNKERSON (Imp.Swe.)

A well-built dog with plenty of bone and of good substance. Lovely head, correct ear carriage, stop and muzzle, dark in eye. Good reach of neck flowing into well laid shoulders, front good, tight in elbows and nice tight feet. Level top-line when standing, good turn of stifle. When on the move had plenty of drive. Dog CC

5: Graduate Dog – 1


Nice head , well placed ears that he used at all times and dark in eye. Had really good coat markings, a thing that seems to be lacking in some. Good reach of neck, depth of chest plus length of leg . Level top-line that he kept at all times when on the move.

6: Post Graduate Dog – No Entries

7: Limit Dog – 4


A dog with good proportions with a really thick coat. Light in colour but still had the correct markings. A well-muscled and well boned dog, nice head with good ear carriage and ears that he used at all times. Good depth of chest, level top-line that he kept when on the move. Nice turn of stifle, not quite 2-3 but a very good ambassador for the breed. Res.CC

2: Drinkwater’s FRAU FORTUNA ASLAN (Imp.Fin.)

Slightly younger than 1 and needs to mature which he has plenty of time. Another dog with correct markings. Nice head with dark almond shaped eyes. Another that was not quite 2-3 but equally had the bone as 1, another with a level top-line when on the move, slightly wide in front to 1 and didn’t move as well this time round.


Another nice dog but I would have liked more of him; he is still young so time is on his side. One that is correct in length of body 2-3. Nice head with dark almond shaped eyes, good reach of neck and front. Really liked his coat colour and his coat markings. Another that kept his top-line when on the move. One to watch once he bodies up should do well.

8: Open Dog – 4


A well-proportioned dog dark in colour with good coat markings. Strong head , dark in eye and well used ears, had plenty of bone and nice tight feet. Nice outline and kept his top-line when on the move, would have preferred longer in the leg.

2: Stockbridge’s CH. VALLADAR CALL OF DUTY

A well boned dog, good head, ear carriage and dark in eye, good length of neck into well laid shoulders, nice tight feet, correct body ratio. Another dog with good markings. Lost to 1 when on the move.


Head not as strong as 1 & 2 but eyes were dark and ear carriage fine. Dark in colour with good markings. Good turn of stifle but would have preferred more length of leg. Bit wide in front.


 9: Veteran Bitch – 2


Very nice substantial bitch of 7 ½ yrs.  Lacking in coat today but a very solid bitch with a good head, eye and reach of neck. Not so 2 -3 but had a nice front and good length of leg, a level top-line which she kept when on the move, good turn of stifle. I have seen her move better than she did today, but given the ground was not level and a bit bumpy didn’t help  her.  Best Veteran Bitch, Best Veteran in Show.


Another very nice bitch especially for her age of 11 yrs. Very heavy coat with reas. Nice head and ear carriage, these she used well, dark in eye. Shorter in leg than 1 and moved well for her age. A pleasure to have the opportunity to go over her.

10: Minor Puppy Bitch – 1


What a lovely puppy full of herself and was certainly enjoying every minute when in the ring. Handling wasn’t so good at times but I took this into consideration whilst judging her. Good proportioned bitch, length of body with markings to die for. Head had a good stop, nice dark eyes, and good ear carriage, ears that were “on the go” at all times, good reach of neck. Nice length of leg with a good front and well knuckled feet. Needs to settle but time is on her side, a good future ahead I hope. Best Puppy Bitch, Reserve C.C. Best Puppy in Show

11: Puppy Bitch 1

As above

12: Junior Bitch – No Entries

13: Graduate Bitch – 1 (Ab.)

14: Post Graduate Bitch – 1 (Ab.)

15: Limit Bitch – 4 : (1Ab)

1: Zbilut’s & Yacomen’s STARVON DÉJÀ VU

A beautiful bitch in full coat and well handled by exhibitor. Not quite 2-3 but overall proportions were good. Nice head with correct ear carriage, good length of neck, well laid shoulders correct, front with tight feet. Light in colour but with the correct body markings. She moved like a dream and was in tune with her handler at all times. Bitch C.C. , Best in Show.


Unfortunately was pipped at the post today by 1 but could change places at any time, she also was just starting to lose her coat, which in Vallhunds doesn’t help when showing.

Darker in colour than 1 with excellent body markings. Nice head, dark in eye, correct ear carriage, good reach of neck flowing into well laid should placings. Correct in size and moved well keeping her top-line at all times.

3: Antieul, Stockbridge & Sibley’s FEUERVALE’S TORCHWOOD (IMP Che.)

Darker in colour than the others and longer in cast and I would have liked more body. Good head with a well-defined stop, nice dark eyes, good length of neck. Lost on movement to 1 & 2.

16: Open Bitch 5 – (1Abs.)


A bitch with good length of leg. Liked her head ,with dark eyes, ear carriage and length of neck. Slightly out of coat but moved well keeping  her top-line at all times when on the move.

2: Zbilut & Yacomen’s CH. OHANAWAY SHES A REBEL.

Shorter in length than 1 and would have liked slightly more length of leg. Nice head , ear carriage, good body marking and a well-muscled body. Preferred the movement of 1 as she dipped a bit when on the move.


A bitch with good height and markings. Nice head with a good stop and length of neck. Did not move as well 1 & 2. 


Judge: Jan Wilton  (Meddobe)



Judge Mr E Forsey (Muzoku)

JD/JB (No entries)


Awaiting Amendments

OD/OB (7)

1. CH Starvon Cryptic Spyda, Impressive 5 year old male, well built and solid construction throughout, broad head, with a blunt wedge and defined stop. Strong neck set on well laid shoulders, broad deep well ribbed chest, well off for bone, level topline and broad compact loin, well angulated at rear. Short harsh coat, a delight on the move today moving true in all aspects with good extension without foot lift at a steady gait

2. CH Valladar Call of Duty, Although second today another fantastic 5 year old male with very similar qualities of first. All male, head of good proportions, strong neck well laid shoulders, slightly more bone than 1st and with a slightly longer coat but still of good texture. Well ribbed and good depth of chest, good angulation at front and rear with a strong loin and croup, Held a nice topline on the move but didn’t quite match the confident strid of 1st today.

3. Starvon Binit Sinit Dunit with Kirkholme 



The Swedish Vallhund Society Ch Show AM



I was very pleased to be asked to judge the 40th Anniversary Show of the Swedish Vallhund Society. Thankyou very much to all the exhibitors for giving me the pleasure to judge your lovely dogs. I found all temperaments impeccable and overall the quality was very good.  Some exhibits were out of coat its that time of year.  Toplines, rear angulation and movement was all good just some fronts and feet need to tighten up.



1st- Russell, BE CH Lille Viking’s Ivar at Rusern (Imp CHE)

7 year old dog shown a very good condition.  Nice head, dark eye and good ear carriage. Good shoulders

Best Veteran Dog.



1st- Strong & Clinton, Ohanaway Having A Blast at Mackjama

A lovely 17 month old dog.  Strong masculine head, dark eye, good bite, well carried ears well laid should and good topline.  Good angulation. Moved well.



1ST- Pallatina, Starvon Dark Knight at Valltineya

4 year old dog of good proportions. Nice head and expression. Good eye with well carried ears.  Good front and topline held on the move. Shown in good hard condition.

2nd- Allen, Kintalis Tangled in Tinsel of Kitsam

Another nice dog longer in leg than 1. nice head with well carried ears. Good topline moved well.



A very strong class.  All the dogs in this class would be worthy champions.

1st- Perry&Etches, Ch Starvon Cryptic Spyda

A pleasure to go over this dog shown in good condition.  Strong masculine head, correct scissor bite, nice eye, well carried ears.  Good front with good feet.  Strong well laid shoulders going into a good topline.  Moved round the good sized ring effortlessly. Pleased to award him the Dog CC.

2nd - Stockbridge, Ch Valladar Call Of Duty.

Different type of dog to 1 but has the same qualities.  Good head, dark eye, neat ears and correct bite.  Well off for bone strong legs and well arched feet.  Good shoulder placement, level topline. Moved well. Pleased to award Dog RCC.

3rd - Wilton, Ch Meddobe Spice’s Endeavour



1st - Stockbridge, Thorjakker Topsy Turvy At Valladar

A lovely bitch of almost 10 years old.  She is in lovely hard condition and moved around the big ring like she could have gone all day.  Nice head, dark eye, good pigmentation. Good shoulders and level topline. Pleased to award her Veteran Bitch and Best Veteran in show.



1ST - Howe, Valaller Picture Perfect

10 month old puppy in need of some serious ringcraft training.  She was very nervous as she entered the ring but got a little better as she settled down.  I could see she had some good qualities and managed to see her bite.  Nice head Movement very erratic. Best Puppy bitch and best puppy in show.



1ST - Zbilut&Yacomen, Ohanaway Shes A Rebel

A very nice 17 month old bitch.

 Very nice head and expression, dark eye correct bite with good pigmentation. correct shoulder placement which flows into a good topline.  Well carried tail. Good bone, feet and angulation. Moved and handled well. Pleased to award RBCC.

2nd - Hislop, Tanellis Colina

Another very nice bitch just lacks the maturity of 1 but this will come with age.  Nice head and expression, correct bite, good ears.  Nice front and good feet.  Level topline which she held on The move.

3rd - Pallatina, Tanellis Coral Bellissima del Valltineya.



1st - Rolfe, Beidelyn Blowin Kisses In The Wind

A very nice 2 year old bitch.  Nice head and pleasing expression.  Good eye and correct bite.  She really enjoyed her day moving round the ring with ease.

2nd - Antieul/Stockbridge/Sibley, Feuervale’s Torchwood (Imp CHE)

2 years old and shown in well muscled condition.  Nice head with good ear carriage, nice dark eye, correct dentition.  Good topline moved well with handler.

3rd - King, Rusern Hildeberg.



1st - Cameron&Woods, Bowkol Akasha Fire

A lovely bitch of almost 2 years of age. Lovely head with pleasing expression correct bite, nice dark eye and well carried ears.  Good strong topline and shown in lovely hard condition.  She could have moved all day.

2nd - Rolfe, Beidelyn Blowin Kisses In The Wind

3rd - Antieul/Stockbridge/Sibley,  Feuervale’s Torchwood (Imp CHE)



1st - Zbilut&Yacomen, Starvon Déjà vu

4 year old bitch of good quality. Pleasing head and expression nice dark eye, correct bite.  Nice front with nice feet.  Good angulation moved with ease.

2nd - Howe, Valaller Rainchild. Another bitch of good quality.  Lovely head and expression.  Good shoulders and topline. Good tailset. Moved well

3rd - King, Rusern Hildeberg



1ST - Dodd, Ch Tanellis Bloomin Primrose.

She entered the ring as if to say I’m here. A 3 year old bitch which ouses quality. Her proportions are correct not being overdone in any department.  Good head, dark eye, good ears and correct bite. Good front standing on good feet.  Strong well laid shoulders and level topline. Moved with purpose. Pleased to award BCC and Best in Show.

2nd - Howe, Danga’s Diva X-Dotter Of Valaller (imp SWE)

Another lovely bitch.  Pleasing head and expression.  Dark eye good pigment.  Good

topline held well on the move.

3rd - King, Rusern Hildeberg



Swedish Vallhund Society – Championship Show (2021) PM

Sorry to hear that Karen Kennedy was unwell and unable to judge today, its always an honour to judge a Breed Club Championship show and am sure she was disappointed to miss it.  I was very happy to step in at the 11th hour and enjoyed the judging, there was a lovely friendly atmosphere, and the venue was ideal.
I think movement in the breed is improving, but in heads there is a tendency for a weaker pointed muzzle rather than the blunt wedge, where muzzle should be square viewed from side, with a strong underjaw.  Temperaments were overall very good, a few were unsettled and in youngsters this could be attributed to the pandemic affecting their socialisation.

VD (2,1)  1. Russell’s Bel Ch Lille Vikings’ Ivar at Rusern (imp Che), A masculine larger framed dog, perhaps could be a shade shorter to give ideal proportions.  Has firm topline and good angles front & rear.  Broad deep chest, well set tail.  Skull is masculine and has lovely dark oval eye.  Would prefer more strength and squarer muzzle. Easy mover, sound and true in all directions.

JD (1,0) 1. Strong & Clinton’s Ohanaway Having a Blast at Mackjama, very promising well matured dog.  Excellent bone and in good coat.  Firm topline.  Good angulation, broad chest and depth reaching behind elbow.  Good reach of neck, well muscled.  Slight tendency to stand 10 to 2 in front.  Very good head, correct wedge with correct muzzle proportion, giving that squared blunt muzzle from good jaw.  Flat skull and good expression from dark oval eye.  Moved soundly.  Considered for RCC.

LD (2,0) 1. Pallatina’s Starvon Dark Knight at Valltineya, strongly built with good depth & breadth to chest, well boned.  Correct angulation front and rear.  Stands on tight well knuckled feet.  Flat skull and just enough strength to blunt muzzle and underjaw.  Prefer more oval eye.  Moved well, but on free standing tends to tuck one leg underneath body.
2. Allen’s Kintalis Tangled in Tinsel of Kitsam, longer cast, affecting overall balance, well defined harness pattern.  Angles are good and has correct length of well-muscled neck.  Not as strong in bone as winner.  Found his head finer, and would prefer more strength to muzzle, good oval eye.  Moved soundly in all direction.


OD (5,0) 1. Stockbridge’s Ch Valladar Call of Duty, heading a nice class, strongly made male with excellent bone and in good harsh coat.  Stands on tight oval feet with good knuckling.  Correct proportions in outline, very good angles, which means he does not disappoint on the move, effortless in profile.  Correct wedge head with flat skull, blunt muzzle and the best proportions for muzzle of the days.  Dark oval eye and flat skull.  DCC & BIS.  2. Perry & Etches’ Ch Starvon Cryptic Spyda, correct proportions in outline, but preferred bone of winner.  Good reach of neck and balanced angles.  Attractive wedge head, flat skull, slight furrow, good oval eye, square muzzle, well developed chest, slightly pronounced sternum.  Moved ok. RDCC & RBIS.   3. Pallatina’s Ch Starvon All Eyes on Me at Valltineya, full brother from earlier mating to 2nd, attractive red, with muscular neck, correct angulation and adequate bone.  Head shows correct wedge with blunt square muzzle but found eyes a shade round affecting expression.  Not quite as positive behind as would like.


VB (3,2) 1. Stockbridge’s Thorjakker Topsy Turvy at Valladar, very attractive in outline, excellent bone, tight feet strong knuckles.  Excellent harsh double coat.  Adequate neck and well angulated front and rear.  Head is correct wedge shape, with flat skull though would prefer more stop.  Excels on the move, positive in all directions. I see she is the dam of the BIS.  RCC& BVIS
MPB no entries

PB (1,0). Howe’s Valaller Picture Perfect, little unsettled, so not giving her best, better on the table than on floor where was seeking sanctuary.  Head is promising, muzzle showing strength and the correct blunt finish, not snipey.  Dark oval eye and flat skull.  Obviously needs to develop in body to balance overall length.  Angulation good.  Erratic on move but sound. 

JB (3,0) 1. Zbilut & Yacomen’s Ohanaway Shes a Rebel, good length to height ratio, but a little heavy in body, which is starting to affect topline.  Correct angulation front & rear and neck of good length.  Best mover in the class.  Attractive wedge head, good eye and ear, prefer more strength to under jaw.  Sired by RBIS.  2. Hislop’s Tanellis Colina, less mature than winner, needs to tighten through.  Has good angulation front & rear and correct developed neck.  Feminine in head, with flat skull and dark oval eye, just needs to broaden in skull.  Rather loose in front on move.  3. Pallatina’s Tanellis Coral Bellissima Del Valltineya, correct height to length proportions but finer in bone.  Head is still undeveloped, and would prefer darker eye.  Ears well placed.  Firm topline.  Needs to tighten on the move.

GB (4,1). 1. Rolfe’s Beidelyn Blowin Kisses in the Wind LT, lively bitch of well-proportioned outline.  Enough bone for a bitch, would prefer more definition to harness markings.  Well angulated front & rear, most settled on the move. Attractive wedge head with good eye for both colour and shape.  Correct flat skull.  2. King’s Rusern Hildeberg, lot to like about her, but very out of coat and unsettled in this class (settled as went through the classes) Correct height to length but standing higher over rump.  Good angulation.  Attractive head, dark eye, needs time to coat up and broaden in skull. Will be interesting to see her in 6 months.  3. Antieul, Stockbridge & Sibley’s Feuervale’s Torchwood, darker sable, another who needs time to mature.  Front assembly not as strong as others, with feet turning out. Tight well knuckled feet. Head still to mature, eyes are correct dark brown of oval shape. Flat skull with well-defined stop.  Rear angulation affects top line on move with tendency to roach.   

PG (4,0) 1. Cameron & Wood’s Bowkol Akasha Fire, really liked this bitch, excellent outline, strong bone but feminine, tight strong feet.  Firm top line.  Well angulated and with good length to muscled neck.  In very good body condition, and harsh coat.  Attractive feminine wedge head, dark oval eye, flat skull.  Rather broad in chest but moves true.  Excels on move in profile, such good effortless ground cover.  Not surprised to find out later that she is a genuine cattle dog, a working dog with working physique.  BCC, BOS. 2. Beidelyn Blowin Kisses in the Wind LT.  3. Rusern Hildeberg.

LB (3,0) 1. Zbilut & Yacomen’s Starvon Déjà vu, correct in profile, good angles and neck and shows herself off well. Well-developed chest. Sound positive mover.  Wedge head, though would prefer little more strength to muzzle, eyes a little round. 2. Howe’s Valaller Rainchild, correct height to length proportions well boned, angulation ok.  Correct wedge head, short muzzle, well balanced to skull.  Dark eye.  Not as positive on the move and rather wide in front.

OB (7,3) 1. Dodd’s Ch Tanellis Bloomin Primrose, Strong bitch, OK proportions, good angles, and bone, good neck.  Expression spoiled by rather round eye.  Well-developed elliptical chest.  Stands on tight well knuckled feet.  Moved best in this class.   2. Howe’s Danga’s Diva X-Dotter of Valaller, correct proportions in outline, firm toplne, with good angulation at rear, would prefer little more angulation in front, and has tendency to turn foot out.  Feminine wedge head, with broad flat skull, prefer little more strength to underjaw.  Lovely dark oval eye.  Could have more drive on move.  3. Day & Jackson’s Starvon Binit Sinit Duit with Kirkholme, finer framed bitch who was little unsettled.  Head could be stronger, and prefer more square muzzle.  Correct dark oval eye. Good chest and length of rib.  Another who could be firmer on move from behind. 

Brace (5,2) 1. Stockbridge’s, lovely matched pair – so obvious they are mother and son, lovely breed type, strong made and moved in unison.  2. Howe’s very well matched pair – very similar in head, I see they are mother and daughter.  3. Zilbut & Yacomen’s, very similar type another mother and daughter combo.
Spec Versatilie Class (6,2) 1. Ch Valladar Call of Duty.  2. Bowkol Akasha Fire 3. Thorjakker Topsy Turvy at Valladar.

Judge Toni Jackson

The Swedish Vallhund Society Ch Show 2019

31st August 2019 held at Birmingham City Ch Show


Many thanks to the Society for the invitation to judge the show and to exhibitors for the entries and sporting attitude to placings.

I judged the SV Ch Show 25 years ago and times have changed. Back then we had a much more even type in the breed and more dogs. Sadly no puppies are in the ring at the moment. Today we see dogs made up in to Champions very early but this is a very slow maturing breed so don’t be in too much of a hurry!

Temperaments and mouths were good. I would like better eye shape, they should be oval and many had straight shoulders. Movement should be free and flowing. Please don’t bait dogs on the table, nothing worse for a judge than a dog with a mouth full of food!

Some dogs were very out of coat and some over weight. Must congratulate the young handlers on the great job they did today the adults could take a leaf out of their book!!


Veteran Dog(5/3). Best class of the day. These three Champion males are fine examples of how a mature Vallund should be in every sense.

1.  Allsops Ch Eldhastens Bobbo Viking (Imp Swe)SHCM 12.5 Super boy.Good  head and neck. Great topline for one of his age. Body type and sound. Moved so well. Best Veteran in Show

2. Amon Ch Swed and Fin Svedala Billy Busvader at Pepperthyme (Imp Swe) nearly 9. Great favourite of mine. Super head and mask markings, great topline. Good body shape and sound. Just not the forward reach of 1 today. Father of my DCC winner and DRCC winner.

3. Howe Ch Starvon Veni Vidi Vici SHCM 8.5 another super Ch. Good coat lovely head and neck. Good body shape and sound would like him just a bit firmer in topline.


Post Grad Dog(3/2)

1. Allen Kintalis Tangled in Tinsel of Kitsam 20mths Good size,good head with good mask markings. Harness markings good, topline and body shape good but real”teenager” so giving the appearance of being quite rangy. Sound, good on the move a lot come be interesting to watch as he matures.

2. Hackney Starvon Bring It On. 2yrs Good size and head nice reach of neck. Fair topline and body shape. Sound. Would like to see him move out more. Think then his body would let down and give a better picture.


Limit Dog (5)

1.  Baillie Pepperthyme Winter Storm 4.5 yrs Super head and mask marking. Good reach of neck and topline correct body shape. Good harness markings. Sound. Lovely type of dog moved well but would have liked him to use himself more in front. RCC

2. Pallatina Starvon Dark Knight at Valltineya 2yrs Nice head but would like more markings. Young dog who is now bodying up as he should. Good body shape and topline. Sound and moved well

3. Thorjakker Ordlaf Orsa 5 yrs This dog was extremely hard to assess due to novice handling. But on the whole had a fair head and body. Won this place on being sound and very good on the move.


Open Dog (4)

1. Pallatina Ch Starvon All Eyes on Me at Valltineya nearly 4yrs. Good head and reach of neck. Lovely mask and harness markings. Medium size with good topline and super shape. Sound and moved well. Really went well today hence DCC and Best in Show

2. Perry and Etches Ch Starvon Cryptic Spyda 2 yrs  Full brother different litter to 1. Good head and mask markings. Good body and harness markings. Sound and moved well. Very like his brother just preferred reach of neck and front movement of 1. I am sure they will often change places.

3. Ch Meddobe Spice’s Endeavour not quite 3. Good size with Good head and reach of neck. Good markings. Longer cast than other 2. Good body shape, would like him I harder condition. Sound and moved very well


Veteran Bitch(5)

1. Thorjakker Topsy Turvy at Valladar nearly 8. Sweet bitch with nice head and markings. Could have a better reach of neck. Good body shape and topline. Sound and moved well. Reserve Best Veteran

2. Amon NL CH Onderaan De Gele Berg Yilra at Pepperthyme (Imp Nld) 12yrs Light in colour but still correct. Pretty bitch that really enjoyed her day tail wagging all the time! Lovely dark eye good body and sound moved well.

3. Day Yosemite Swift River at Starvon. 7.5 yrs very opposite to 2 in colour being dark and not a lot of markings. Not in full coat but still good shape very sound and good on the move. Handled well by young handler.


Junior Bitch (1)

1 Wilton Meddobe Anna Travis 17 months. Very pretty bitch with lovely dark eyes. Good head and neck. Good marking. Good body but would like harder condition. Sound, moved well.


Graduate Bitch (1)

1. Dodd Tanellis Bloomin Primrose 18 mths Nice head would like a bit more neck. Good markings in very hard condition.Good body sound and moved well.


Post Grad Bitch (4,3)

1. Howe Danga’s Diva X-Dotter of Valaller (Imp Swe) 2.5 yrs Good colour and markings. Loved her size. Good body but still young so time to let down alittle. When allowed to, move moved well and was sound. RBCC

2. Zbilut & Yacomen Starvon Déjà Vu. Just 2. Lovely feminine bitch. So very out of coat but still maintained her lovely body shape. Sound and moved well.Just needs time. Lovely to see her young handler doing such a great job.

3. Sibley Chipsmakers Que Sera Sera at Thorjakker (IMP Swe) 3yrs Smaller than first 2. Good markings would like more of her but moved well.


Open Bitch (6)

1st Diamond Ch Eriksfjord Aurora Charm SHCm 3.5 yrs. Smart pretty girl. Good Marking. Very hard condition. Not a big bitch. Good topline and shape very sound and moved well BCC.BOS RBIS

2. Amon Ch Pepperthyme Theodora 6 yrs Feminine head. Lovely body shape and sound moved well.

3. Dodds Ch Hursfield Renen Vixen at Tanellis 4.5 Good head and neck. Longer cast than first 2 and not in her best dress. Sound and move well


Rosie Peacock-Jackson (Kirkholme)


The Swedish Vallhund Society 2019 Special Award Classes



I would like to thank the committee for this appointment. The venue was ideal. A fabulous carpeted ring of good size and indoors. There was plenty of room for spectators and exhibitors.

I was looking for Vallhunds that could do the job they were bred for and had the key features of the breed standard. Vallhunds need to be alert, active and eager to please. They should have medium size oval eyes that are very dark brown. They should have a long strongly muscled neck and a level back. They should move with reach and drive and not much lift of the legs. They should have a coat of medium length with a harsh, tight and close topcoat. They should have an elliptical shaped chest that gives plenty of room for their organs to function whilst working all day. 

I only found one Vallhund today that had all of the above and I hope that this comment provides some ‘food for thought’ for exhibitors and breeders alike. 

I would like to thank the exhibitors for following instructions and for showing their dogs on a loose lead. This makes a massive difference to the way the dogs move and enabled me to properly assess their movement. 


Junior Dog or Bitch


1. Mr & Mrs Wilton’s Meddobe Anna Travis. 17 months bitch. Good substance. Good markings. Slightly long. Topline ok. Good shape to ears. Eyes slightly round and could be darker. Good pigmentation. Moves well when settled. Found the atmosphere difficult. 


Postgraduate Dog or Bitch 


1. Mr & Miss Zbilut’s Starvon Déjà vu.  Pale bitch 2 years old. Good topline. Moved well on a loose lead. Good reach of neck. Good ears shape and set. Eyes a bit round. Good pigmentation Substance ok. Good feet.

2. Mrs Allen’s Kintalis Tangled in Tinsel of Kitsam. A Large dog of good substance. Slightly longer coat. Good Markings. Good eye shape slightly light. Good ear shape could be better set. Flat skull. Topline rises at the rear. Bit long. Moves ok

3. Mr & Mrs Dodd’s Tanellis Bloomin Primrose.  18 month old darker bitch out of coat. Topline is good on the move - stands slightly under. Developing well for age. eyes round and ears could be better set. neck ok. moves ok - bit wide in front at the moment. 


Open dog or  bitch

1. Miss J Stockbridge’s Thorjakker Topsy Turvy at Valladar.  8 year old bitch in excellent form. Correct coat. Good dentition. Ears good shape and set. Eyes good shape and colour. Topline perfect. Good chest Moved with reach and drive. Good angulations. head proportions ideal. Nice flat skull. Good neck. 

2. Miss J Stockbridge’s CH Valladar Call of Duty.  2 year old dog starting to settle. Good topline. not the angulations of 1. Nice head. Good eyes and ears. full of himself on the move. Moved well. 

3. Mr & Mrs Wilton’s CH Meddobe Spice’s Endeavour. 3 year old dog. Bit distracted by the outside of the ring. Good topline. bit close behind. Moves well when settled. Nice tail Good ears shape. Good dentition. 


Louise Paterson

The Swedish Vallhund Society Championship Show 2018

By Dr.Chris Millard

This was the first time the Society held its Championship show in conjunction with National Working and Pastoral Breeds and it was a great honour to be invited to judge.
I would like to thank the exhibitors for their lovely entry of 31 exhibits, also the committee of the Swedish Vallhund Society for the invitation, and National Working and Pastoral Breeds and Mrs Anne Arch for looking after me. I would also like to thank my two stewards for their help in particularly challenging conditions. I don’t think I have ever judged in such heat and without any shade, good job I took a sunhat.
It proved to be a very long day for judge, exhibitors and most importantly dogs since the NWPB judging took place before our show in the same ring and the judge had Aussies then vallhunds. I think it would be better in future for vallhunds to be scheduled first, with a change of ring for the second breed if required.
The ring itself was not very satisfactory since it was at the end of the showground away from any trees which could have given some shade. It also sloped badly and had a dip running the whole length which made assessing movment a challenge, but I was amazed how well the dogs coped. Thankfully the SVS team had brought a gazebo and this was well used by exhibitor’s to shade their dogs.  I thought the dogs coped far better with the heat than the humans present. There was a very friendly and sporting atmosphere ringside, and I thoroughly enjoyed the appointment.
Unfortunately because of the extreme conditions there were many absentees and most of these sent their apologies which I thought a very nice touch.
I last judged the breed at Crufts 2015 and found this entry greatly improved in terms of quality and in particular with regard to the issues I identified in the Crufts entry.  Temperaments were excellent as was toplines, only a few dipped behind the withers. Heads were also excellent,some of the females in particular had very beautiful heads, again a small minority with rounded skulls, and no light round eyes in this entry at all. I also found fronts were improved just a few overloaded, wide and out at the elbows. Dentition was also excellent not one incorrect bite, although some teeth could certainly do with a wash and brush up.  Coats were very difficult to assess as most had no undercoat or were in the process of blowing. It was possible to appraise coat texture and I felt some top coats were too soft ,and not the medium harsh texture specified in the standard.  Type was still varied with all shapes and sizes present in the entry. Also a few were lacking hard muscular condition so important in any working breed. 
Taking the entry overall I thought it was of high quality and vastly improved, with some promising youngsters coming up through the classes which bodes well for the future of this wonderful breed. It was also good to see some new and very enthusiastic exhibitors.
One of the pleasure of judging is finding  that special exhibit that stands out and today my BOB and major winners were a prime example, and I guess the reason I still enjoy judging. Some of the classes were both a joy and a heachache to judge because the exhibits were high quality, and had different attributes that I equally admired. Since judging is essentially an aesthetic activity it was a case of my individual preference, always of course with reference to the requirements of the breed standard. 
Finally, I would also like to pay tribute to Ch Starvon Rumors Has It. It was dreadful learning a few days before the show that she had died. She was our breed record holder and I consider her one of the best vallhunds her owner has ever bred. She was a great loss to the breed and also to her owners, since she was a much loved pet as well as a very successful showgirl. It was very poignant having to mark her absent in veteran bitch.


Veteran Dog(3)
1.  Allsops Ch Eldhastens Bobbo Viking (imp Swe) ShCM. RCC and BVET.
Headed a very strong class. This  11 years young boy  is all male, has a lovely head and expression, nice dark eye of the correct oval shape. Excellent topline with a good depth to his chest. Nice sloping croup, good rear angulation. Nice coat texture and good mask and harness markings. Very positive on the move particularly in side extension.

2. Lewis’s Ch Starvon Vanquish ShCM.
Another excellent male. Red of the most attractive colour. His head and expression was also excellent. He had a good front, good bone and well sprung ribs. Short strong loin and well let down hocks. Sound mover just preferred winner’s size and topline. 

3. Dodds, Starvon Talk of the Town

Minor Puppy Dog (1)

Allens Kintalis Tangled In Tinsel of Kitsam. Best Puppy.
Lovely to see such a happy alert young puppy enjoying his day out. He has the most attractive wedge shaped head and kindly expression. His size and overall body proportions are good, and he has a good mask and harness markings. Solid topline, and good front and reach of neck ,although obviously he needs to mature and tighten all through. Going through that awkward leggy stage, but all the essentials are there. Moved soundly, and although alone he deserved his best puppy award

Puppy Dog (0).

Junior Dog.(4)

1. Stockbridges Valladar Call of Duty. CC,BOB and BIS.
This boy really took my breath away,15mths with a beautiful masculine head and expression, he had good head planes and the required almost flat skull. The best front of the day, good markings, lovely depth to his chest and correct pro sternum. Excellent body proportions ,good tuck up and nicely muscled quarters. Out moved everything today, so sound really driving from the rear without any hint of high stepping or choppy movement in front. He was also well muscled and showed himself off superbly for one so young. I really hope he makes up to Champion.

2.Perry and Etches Starvon Cryptic Spyda.
Unlucky to meet winner in such form. A darker boy but correctly marked with a nice wedge shaped head, nice stop and good blunt muzzle.. Well laid shoulders, good height to body ratio. excellent bend of stifle. Well handled but not as positive on the move today as winner.

3.Hackneys Starvon Bring IT On.

Graduate Dog(0).

Post Graduate dog (1), 1 Abs.

Limit dog(4).

1.Sibleys Thorjakker Hundi Homnelvik.
This boy headed a very strong class. He is of a lovely size, particularly liked his height of leg. Has a lovely wedge shaped head, excellent eye colour and shape, a correct front with an impressive prosternum, He had a nice textured coat, rock solid topline and short strong loin. A sound mover when he co-operated with his handler. Considered him for the RCC but he didn’t have his co-operative head on in the challenge, and to be fair it was a very long day in the heat.

2.DrinkwatersGalerita Goji Berrie.
Another lovely boy and close up to winner.  19mths old with an excellent head. Another in this entry with an almost flat skull. Although not in the best of coats what he had was of a lovely texture. Good reach of neck, and excellent topline. He moved very soundly, just preferred winner’s leg height and body on the day.

3.Allsops Eldhastens Fabel Firestorm at Thornevald (Imp Swe).

Open Dog (3), 2 abs.

1.  Sharman’s Tridents Frodo.
Alone but deserved his place.  3 yrs of age and maturing nicely, excellent head and eye, good reach of neck, Blowing his coat but it was of a good texture. Correct harness and mask markings. Level topline, Nice tuckup into broad and sloping croup. Good size to his hocks enabled him to move freely. Just would like a bit more of him.

Veteran Bitch. (1), 1 abs.

Minor Puppy bitch (0).

Puppy Bitch (0).

Junior bitch (4), 2 Abs.

1.Howes Danga’s Diva X-Dotter of Valaller (imp Swe).
This  16mths girl really impressed. Excellent head with correctly sized ears. Lovely dark eye and good stop. Nice head planes and proportions. Lovely square muzzle ,good front and excellent reach of neck. She had well laid shoulders and her chest is developing nicely, lovely spring to her ribs, solid topline, and well angulated hindquarters. She was well muscled and a very sound mover. Will watch her career with interest.

2. Hackneys Starvon Dreams are Maid.
14mths and is still maturing but a beautiful head and expression. Good front and rock solid topline. Excellent markings. Good rear angulation, very attentive to her handler just not settled on the move today.

Graduate bitch (1) 1 abs.

Post graduate Bitch.(1).
Philips Katrina Des Fumees Du Nord (imp Bel).
Another beautiful girl  6yrs, lovely feminine head and expression, beautiful dark eyes, excellent front, loved her size and body proportions. Well marked.  Nice oval shape to her chest in front. She has a good tuck up and good croup, well let down hocks which weren’t too big. Moved very soundly.

Limit Bitch (2).

1.Days Starvon Ziva.
Headed the best and most difficult class of the day for me to judge as I liked different attributes in these two girls. Winner has the most gorgeous feminine head and expression.  4yrs of age. Good head planes and proportions. An excellent front, good ribbing and well laid shoulders. Her coat was blowing but it was of good texture. Solid topline and sound mover.

2. Diamonds Eriksfjord Aurora Charm SHCM.
Different type, darker and shorter in back but higher on leg. Another ultra feminine girl, 2.5yrs good reach to her neck and lovely solid topline, which she held when moving. Good coat and markings. Nice length to her well sprung ribs. She had very well muscled quarters, which enabled her to move soundly around the ring. Just preferred winners front on the day, but a real stunner.

Open Bitch (6).

1. Drinkwaters Ch Galerita Hollie Berrie. CC. RBIS.
What a beautiful girl this is. I loved her size and body proportions. The most lovely feminine head and expression,  lovely dark eye. Good head proportions with a nice stop. Well laid shoulders with a superb depth to her chest with sufficient height of leg to carry it off, and not appear corgi like. Solid topline, excellent coat texture and well marked. She has a well-angulated rear with correctly sized hocks. Moved very soundly especially behind producing the driving action required in this breed. Lost BOB as I preferred the winner’s front, but a very fine example of the breed.

2.Rands Hurstfield Renen Dancer at Kintalis. RCC.
Another lovely young bitch with the most beautiful feminine head and expression. She had a good front, well laid shoulders and good reach to her neck, her chest is developing nicely. Solid in topline, and she has a lovely bend to her stifle, and good hocks. I would prefer a slightly shorter loin. An enthusiastic showgirl who moved well considering the terrain.

3.Howes Pepperthyme On A Rainbow.



The Swedish Vallhund Society 2018 Special Award Classes

Judge: Jackie Tune (Rottalma)


Many thanks to the Swedish Vallhund Society for their kind invitation to judge the special award classes at the Championship Show. I very much enjoyed my day and I really appreciated that the exhibitors braved the extreme conditions so my thanks are extended to all those present. I found all exhibits to be of good temperament. Being in the Vallhund ring today as a judge definitely awakened my desire to return as an exhibitor in the future.

Special Award Junior Dog or Bitch (7/7)

1. Stockbridge's Valladar Call of Duty - Male of 15 months with much to like, substantial boy with good bone. Correct head with dark eye, strong neck into well laid shoulders, straight front.Correct proportions. Moved with drive despite the extreme heat. Pleased to know that my co judges also thought highly of this boy and he gained 2 CCs today I am sure he will soon attain his title.

2. Perry & Etches's Starvon Cryptic Spyda - Splitting hairs between first and second both have many of the same qualities. This boy also15 months is excellent breed type. Correct head with correct scissor bite good conformation and moved well. I just preferred the front assembly on 1.

3. Ludwig's Danga's D'Loui X -Son - Male of 16mths immature but with lots of promise

Special Award Open Dog or Bitch (7/6)

1.Diamond's Eriksfjord Aurora Charm SHCM - Lovely bitch that took my eye as she entered the ring and did not disappoint on further examination. 2 and half years old good breed type with feminine head and alert expression. Good front with correct body porportions. Moved well. Another exhibit knocking on the door of her Championship which I am sure will soon be achieved.

2. Drinkwater's Galerita Goji Berrie - Male of 19mths, Excellent breed type with good head and lovely dark eye. Correct dentition. Good conformation Moved and handled well. Pushed for first position but preferred feet of the winner.

3. Dodd's Hurstfield Renen Vixen at Tanellis - Quality bitch of three and half years with loads of ring presence. Excellent breed type.


Judge – Britt-Marie Young

Thank you very much to the Committee for inviting me and thank you to the exhibitors for such a lovely entry of 43 dogs. It was a lovely, sunny day with the ring outside, which I so much prefer, because the dogs show themselves off much better than inside a Hall.  I have seen the breed develop over the years and I think they are doing very well overall and have greatly improved.  The Swedish Vallhund is a breed who matures with age, just getting better and better, so please keep taking your oldies out. They need to be seen.  Temperaments have always been good and so they were today.  There were only a couple who did not like to stand on the table but once on the ground they were back to normal. There were several different types today, but all with something to like and admire.   Construction in general was very good and fronts have improved, and I liked the lay of shoulders in most dogs and reach of neck.   Bites and teeth were excellent with very white and clean teeth.  Chins could have been better in some.  Quite a few were out of coat, and because of the overall high quality I had to take that into consideration too.  Movement was generally very good in profile but coming and going could have been better in a few.  I also like to see the dogs showing a little of their own personality/character, which some did very well.   One thing which has increased   seems to be the number of lighter eye and the shape of eye.   Dark and oval gives the correct expression, too light an eye and some bordering on round and some too small an eye does not. Sometimes the colour of the eye follows the colour of the coat, but never too light.   I would also have liked some dogs with a little more bone and more masculinity.


PD (3) 1. Pallatina’s Starvon All Eyes on Me at Valltineya. Masculine 11 months old of a very good type and size, sturdy and firm in body, well balanced and well-constructed, good in head, mask, eye and bite, level topline, sound and active on the move, in good coat, very outgoing, one to watch. BPinShow.  2. Lee’s Eriksfjord Brave Charm.  Eight months old outgoing puppy who impressed on the move, dark eye, good dentition, nicely balanced with level topline, sound in front and rear, well-muscled.  3.Hackney’s Starvon All About Me.

PGD (2,1) Sibley’s Thorjakker  Ordlaf Orsa.  Two years old and still maturing, needs more time. Pleasing overall in profile and type, good coat texture, level topline, needs more substance and chest needs to drop, well-muscled in h/q.  Very positive on the move.

Limit Dog (4) 1. Fithern & Russel’s Hurstfield Renen Dasher at Rusern.  Promising youngster, nearly 2 years old, good breed type and conformation, well made head, exc. bite, oval eye, good earset, good reach of neck, good fore and aft and quality of coat, very active and sound movement.  Should do well.  2. Coombe’s Mystarz Jaunty Jaegar. Another promising dog I liked. Fraction smaller.  Similar notes apply, I was nitpicking and in the end felt no. 1 had the edge on movement and overall performance on the day.  3. Peacock-Jackson’s Pepperthyme Golden Noble at Kirkholme.

Open Dog (4) What a lovely class to judge. 1. Paterson & West’s Ch. Starvon Wishful Thinking.   All quality male, who at six years has come into his own.  Balanced in outline.  Exc. head, dark oval eye, exc. bite and   mask, correct ear set.  Sound to go over, good reach of neck, well made front and rear, level back, In good coat. Displayed free and active movement with good forward reach and powering so well from rear. Lovely character, was in top form today and worked hard to get the CC & BIS   2. Amon’s Ch/Sw/Fin. Ch. Svedala Billy Busvader at Pepperthyme (Imp. Sw.)  Another top quality male, I liked very much, Six years old and of a very good breed type and conformation.  Appealing in outline, also sound to go over and good in head department, front and rear. Harsh coat.  Close decision.  No. 1. had the edge on overall movement and was more animated. 3. Price’s Starvon Xpress Delivery at Coningsbear ShCM.

Veteran Dog (4) 1. Etches & Bayliss’ Ch. Hurstfield Red Rayda ShCM.  Difficult to believe that this dog now is twelve years old.  He certainly is proof that the vallhund, like a good wine gets better with age.  I have judged him before.  Exc. conformation and bone, well balanced and with a level topline, just right for substance, masculine, Typical head, oval eye, and colour in line with coat, good earset.  He had an excellent scissor bite with very clean white teeth, which is very good at his age.  He was in top form today and moved with good reach and drive from rear. RCC & BVinShow   2. Paterson’s Ch. Candace the Scandinavian. Another impressive male, I like.  Eight years old and still in good condition , Balanced in outline, Masculine and well put together,  Typical  in head, good reach of neck and level topline. Moved well.    3. Dodd’s Starvon Talk of the Town.

MPB (2) 1. Diamond’s Eriksfjord Aurora Charm.  2. Paterson’s Eriksfjord Celestial Charm. Two litter sisters, eight months old, very pretty, lovely wedgeshaped heads, oval very dark eyes, good bites, nicely balanced over all, coats coming on,  both moved soundly round the ring, no 1 was more alert and mature of the two, no doubt no. 2 will catch up and will change places in future.

PB (4,1) 1. Amon’s Mystarz Lavish Loitsu to Pepperthyme.BPB. 2. Coombes’ Mystarz Lavish Laji. Another two lovely littersisters, nine months old, good breed type, very similar, no. 1. fraction longer in back.  Good in heads with dark oval eyes, giving typical expression, both of good construction, level toplines and coats coming on well, Both very attentive and used their ears, to nitpick, just preferred hind angulation on 1 and movement , sure these two will also change places many times in future as they mature. In the challenge for BP, the male looked more mature and was a little more positive on the move.  3.  Drinkwater’s Trykeira Daleesha.

Junior B. (1) 1. Fithern & Russell’s Rusern Douglas Dragonfly. Very pretty bitch of  12 months, going through her teenage stage at the moment,   nicely constructed overall,   level topline and good reach of neck,  good quality topcoat, but lacked undercoat, not very happy on the table but once on the ground  she was happy and moved with confidence  round the ring. Needs to mature on and gain more confidence. Her time will come.

Graduate B (1) 1. Dodd’s Hurstfield Renen Vixen at Tanellis. All alone in this class but a well-deserved 1st. Feminine and outgoing youngster, appealing in outline, Pleasing in head, dark eye, good bite, inquisitive expression, ears a little wide apart, well made fore and aft, level topline and good reach of neck, harsh top coat, good positive movement.

PG Bitch (2) 1.  Day & West’s Starvon Ziva. Two year old girl who pleased overall, good type and  well balanced,  lovely head and expression, eye and mask, good earset.  Moved well round the ring.2. Phillips’ Katrina Des Fumees du Nord. (Imp. Belg.) Feminine bitch, different type from 1, pleasing in profile with a good frame and firm topline, harsh topcoat but lacked some undercoat, moved well in profile but preferred front and rear movement of 1 above.

Limit B (5,1) 1. Allsop’s  Karmore Cornish Maid.  Full of quality.  Three years old and coming into her own. Feminine with a lovely head piece, eye, bite, and mask, good set of ears which she used to advantage, well-constructed and angulated front and rear. Good reach of neck.  Coat in good order, Free and active on the more, keeping her topline level at all times. RCC. 2. Rand’s Hurstfield Renen Dancer at Kintalis. Only 22 months old, showing promise, Lovely feminine head, good ear carriage and mask, very attentive expression, well put together, sturdily built with a good neckline and level topline. Needs to mature on.  Moved well.  3. Howe’s Pepperthyme on a Rainbow.

Open B. (6,1) 1. West’s Starvon Valley of Dreams.  Feminine and mature girl, five years old,  wedge shaped head with  good mask, bite, eye and ears,  Appealing  in outline,  balanced and of good construction which showed up in her  sound movement with good forward reach and good drive from rear. Just right for substance.  And level topline.  She has really come on since last I judged her.  She has a lovely vallhund character and is very active and attentive.  She gave that little bit extra of herself today. BCC & RBIS.  I was told this was her third CC, Congratulations. 2. Stockbridge’s Thorjakker Topsy Turvy at Valladar. Another one I liked, five years old, pleasing in outline, wedgeshaped head, dark oval eyes, good mask and set of ears, good fore and aft, level topline, sound and positive movement, lacked the finish of one. 3.Amon’s  Ch. Pepperthyme Theodora.

Veteran B (3) 1. West’s Ch. Starvon Rumour has it. An old favourite of mine and now 8 years old. Exc. breed type and conformation. Lovely head, feminine and sound, moved so well round the ring. Not in her best jacket today. Her overall quality and performance won her this class. 2. Coombe’s Ch. Mystarz Azzuro Gold ShCM. Another lovely golden oldie who at 10 years of age, is still going strong, of good breed type,  a very sound bitch with a feminine head piece, good bite and markings, good depth of chest and level topline, also not in her best jacket today, moved positively with good strides round the ring.  3. Drinkwater’s Candace Sea of Dreams at Trykeira.


Britt-Marie Young (Judge)
